Thursday, March 12, 2009

No motivation . . WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!

I can't seem to get motivated. I've been cleaning out drawers, I did wall papered my kitchen (with help from Kelly) than I lost my motivation. In my "pretend world" (you know the one I live in my head), I get up at dawn and go to the gym every morning and then pick up my house, I have no dirty laundry, I have all my crafts projects done and need little or no make-up on this old face to head off to my job! BUT in my "real life" I've been thinking about going to the gym at dawn every morning, my house is dusty and I have at any given time at least two loads of laundry waiting to be done. . . . and my make up job is starting to become more like the prep for a Hollywood Horror Movie - the amount of make-up it takes just to cover up my "real face". . . oh my!

I'm hoping it's just this cold weather, I feel great when I'm in the car and the warm sun is hitting my skin, I think I should be walking the dog or power walking the River Walk - then I get out of the car and reality hits . . . crap it's cold outside. So I'm setting small and realistic goals for myself ones that I know with little effort I can reach so I can get my motivation back - I'm also hoping after walking in the St. Pat's race that I will feel better about myself and I can check off one thing on my ever growing list of things I want to accomplish this year.

I'm toying with the idea of training for walking the Crim in August. I need to start getting it together if that is where I heading and not just in my head.

I get so much done in my head . . it's actually getting it to happen in the real world that is becoming the problem . . . lol!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the Mayor of the Pretend World. Welcome to my city. :)

    One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. You'll get there and you are beautiful just they way you are. (Especially once you got rid of the 80's hair). :)
