Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's been a long time!

Well I guess my break lasted longer than I thought it would . . not any wiser or thinner . . lol
On my break I have had a tummy tuck, been in the hospital for an infection because of the tummy tuck. Seen both of my sisters go through a transformation with there weight loss battles and enjoyed both my children and grand-daughter. I am still blessed with both my parents who are in good health and a brother who takes the weight of the world on his shoulders, what a great guy!

I am doing a lot of soul searching these days on what I truly want out of my life . . other than the usual . . healthy family, staying employed . . . I am thinking about setting some goals for the next year . . . revolutions . . well not sure if that is what I am going to call them . . but they will be realistic . .

For the first time in a long time I think I will have love in my future . . or I am finally thinking that love for me could be possible . . . I will talk about this in a future blog. . . yes i am planning on blogging again . . for those who have hung around . . thanks and stay tuned . . .



  1. Thank God your back, now I have something to do on the computer other than check my e-mail and play games. Love you, #1

  2. Kris:

    GLAD you are back - I've been trying to get ahold of you! Give me a call and let me know how you are!!! Love ya, Annette :)

  3. Oh forgot!! - ~**~**~~HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!~**~**~~
    Love, Annette :D
